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Parent Council
Parental Involvement

We believe the support of parents is vital to the success of Jedburgh Grammar Campus. Our aim is to do everything possible to provide parents with information and opportunities to learn of matters that relate to their child’s education.

The main aim of the Parent Council is to:

  • Support the school in its work with pupils and parents

  • Represent the views of parents

  • Promote contact between the school, parents, pupils, associated schools and the community

  • Fundraise and organise social activities

  • Be involved in the recruitment of senior staff


We usually meet around seven times a year and cover a variety of subjects. We have a close, pro-active relationship with the school and help to make the school an integral part of the community. The school’s ethos is to raise the ambitions and aspirations of its pupils and JGC Parent Council support this approach.


The Parent Council are involved in improvement planning and being part of the Parent Council is an opportunity to give your views on school issues, staffing and the curriculum. Any new and innovative ideas for fund-raising are always welcome. For further information, please contact


We are very supportive of parents enhancing the learning opportunities on offer. Please contact Mrs Oliver if you would like to do this. We are also involved in the parental evaluation work done by the school, such as whole school parent surveys and surveys at parents’ evenings.


If you have any queries or would appreciate support, we encourage you to get in touch with campus staff or the Parent Council.

Parent Council chair

Lynsey Graham.


Jedburgh Grammar Campus Parent Council Meeting and AGM

Tuesday 22nd November 2022 6.30pm

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