Nurturing Approaches are based on six Nurture Principles:
1. Children and young people’s learning is understood developmentally.
2. The learning environment offers a safe base.
3. The importance of nurture for the development of wellbeing.
4. Language is a vital means of communication.
5. All behaviour is communication.
6. The importance of transitions in children lives.
At Jedburgh Grammar Campus our Nurture Base is within Pupil Support and is known as The Hive.
Ms Hainsworth (Pupil Support Teacher) and Mrs Laura Sinclair (Link & Inclusion Worker) currently meet the S1 Nurture Group 3 times per week where they work on developing their social and emotional skills.
We are lucky enough to work with partner agencies such as Borders Forest Trust and Youth Music Initiative in the delivery of our targeted intervention and initially focus on team building and getting to know each other.
All pupils have individualised targets and activites are planned by staff adopting a pupil centred approach.